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The First national bank of birmingham #9874

Circa 1910-1929,  ABA (American Bankers Association) Travelers' Cheques postcard
for the First National Bank of Birmingham.  Conceived in April 1909 as another means of competing with the express companies, issuing banks drew travelers' cheques in the form of drafts on the Bankers' Trust Company of New York.  Within the first five months, 1,300 banks were selling ABA Travelers' Cheques.

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Circa 1915, First National Bank of Birmingham, from George Mitchell's
and Almeron Whitehead's promotional advertising booklet


Circa 1930, First National Bank of Birmingham, from the City Directory

BIRMINGHAM national bank #13703

Circa 1927, Newspaper Article, (likely from the Birmingham Eccentric) announcing the hiring of
Walter L. Moreland as assistant cashier at Birmingham Savings Bank.  In 1933, Mr. Moreland would be hired as cashier at The Birmingham National Bank. 

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Circa 1936+, Postcard from former Bank President (1933-1935) Fred W. Johnson's Company 


Circa 1937, The Birmingham National Bank, from R.L.Polk & Co. Directory


Circa 1937, business wall calendar from The Birmingham National Bank


Circa 1937, Birmingham Eccentric article appointing Percival G. Burnett to The Birmingham National Bank Cashier
(Photo courtesy of Gary Burnett, grandson of Percival G. Burnett - bank V.P. and Almeron Whitehead's long time aide)

Article 1937.jpg

Advertising pocket bank envelope from The Birmingham National Bank


Circa 1943, Birmingham Eccentric article announcing personnel changes at The  Birmingham National Bank

(Photo courtesy of Gary Burnett, grandson of Percival G. Burnett - bank V.P. and Almeron Whitehead's long time aide)

Eccentric 8-12-43.jpg

Circa 1956 (last year of the Bank), Local area maps compliments of The Birmingham National Bank

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